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2019年入選為兩廳院藝術基地計畫第一屆GAP YEAR藝術家之一,2020留任兩廳院為專案顧問,負責青年領域藝文政策與活動規劃。現以「七転演劇部」部長身分持續創作,同時從事花藝設計與創作。 林靖雁重視劇場作為精神勞動與思想辯論的功能,將劇場做為與社會溝通且促進行動、改變現況的媒介,持續探討劇場本身可以成為什麼?能夠如何發揮社會影響力。

Dropped out of Xingang Arts High School, and has been living in Taipei City since 2011. In 2013, he studied theater work in the private unit "Little Theater School" and graduated in 2015. Afterwards, he continued to create as the head of the "Seven Kolo Society ". In 2020, he was selected as one of the members of GAP YEAR of the NTCH. As a director, He pays attention to the form of theater as a media to communicate with society and stimulate thinking. He keeps thinking and exploring about what can be impacted by theater  in his production and creation. He also combs through his personal history, expressing it in theater based on the text. He will know himself a little bit more at each stage, just like competing this introduction.


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